
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Tuba Czar
Nov Member 2016

Tuba Czar

Posts: 40 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I can not vote on this? why? I log in to vote , log in, then get sent back to the login to vote page... over and over and over... I log into forums ok then When I go anywhere that says click here to vote I do and get caught in the whirlpool....Personally I see many problems with this vote, and seems to easy to hijack.. Whatever...
Over 3 years of playing and you want to go back to crap..
soon to loose my 6 bucks a month..

27-Dec-2010 16:32:41



Posts: 92 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Obviously you don't know what RS was before trade limit and PVP worlds. You don't know what freedom in RS is like. You're content to be protected by Jagex from all the scams and unfair trades and dying in the wilderness. Well you can't complain about the vote, in 07 there was no vote. If you knew what RS was like before trade limit and pvp worlds, you would vote yes.

27-Dec-2010 16:38:33



Posts: 1,596 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey first of all i am FOR the PvP update, i've been pking for almost 7 years. However i do think JaGex have to be very careful on what they allow/ dissallow.
Lets start of with chatotics. If they were allowed people would only bring mystics / rune as they don't protect over chatoics and ofcourse you can't smite out a chatoic. This makes the max loot what.... 600k? I have chatoic weapons btw so don't try that one.
Overloads - I almost gurantee people bringing 45 brews to magebank. It used to be a joke to say "50 brews left" now that's possible.
Extremes - puts the release of damage soaking back to square one.
Super prays - not too bothered but it does contrabute to not being able to smite out making the loots awful.
Summoning - Coming from me who has 96 summoning i'de rather not have summoning in the new PvP but it wouldn't cause too much trouble.
From all these problems i really hope JaGex realise and create a few pre 2007 worlds for the real pkers. Afterall these would bring back a lot of oldschool pkers and still allow all the prods to pk in the normal worlds :)
DanSup - looking forward to the real runescape.

27-Dec-2010 17:52:31



Posts: 26 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
instead of the old wildy you can get bounty hunter back. and keep the g.e normal. anyway vote NO. Doing alot of Vindicta bossing, need a teammate (i will mage), would prefer a tank with me, add me if u want to duo Vindicta, im often playing!!

27-Dec-2010 18:33:43



Posts: 19 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the only one who want to vote no are the ones that played after u already got rid of it. Do you think there worried about losing your whole 6 dollars a month? for every 1 that quits 3 more will easily come back after this update. My opinion bring back free trade but make half the worlds wilderness for pkers and the other half just have revenants for clue hunters.
P.S quit complaining about quiting after the update go ahead and quit now it's a 90% to 8% vote go play wow u tree huggers

27-Dec-2010 19:11:04 - Last edited on 27-Dec-2010 19:12:09 by V A S H

Matt Man8

Matt Man8

Posts: 394 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nobody cares if all you PvE people leave. As a PKer I look forward to killing every single person I see in the wild because of the people voting "no" and delaying JaGex from bringing back the real Rune Scape. I hope you all enjoyed your 3 years of being able to play on easy mode.

27-Dec-2010 19:39:50



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with Matt Man.
Tbh, the only people who are complaining are the kids who just joined and are scared that they are going to die in the wilderness and lose their d med. The REAL RuneScape is coming back, and I for one am happy about it. You guys are all so used to the "babyscape" updates geared for the average age of RuneScape players (12 I presume), which leads me to the other good point of this update. It will bring back a lot of old players who quit, and therefore raise the average age of players, so there will be a lot less immature idiots who think they're hilarious and cool with their account being named poop99823.

27-Dec-2010 19:57:49 - Last edited on 27-Dec-2010 20:02:27 by [#NG5HQSJPO]

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