Plus, Jagex should have seen that getting rid of RWTers was not worth losing the dedicated players who liked the system the way it was.
Now we have this contrived system where items are valued at their prices on the GE and players' trade limits are based on how many QUESTS they have done. Now, in a world where danger lurks at every turn and twist of adventure (remember we lose our items when we die - but even THAT'S been tweaked), is it really fitting that all trades need to be "balanced"? Is Jagex nannying us? How have players who choose to do more quests earned the privilege to gain or lose more money in a trade? Or what, being on a friend list qualifies a player to scam their friend?
Does everyone value certain items the same way? Does the Grand Exchange really represent the value of an item? Should that "market price", this average price that is supposed to represent value, be used to value one player's items against another's? Should it restrict a player from getting a good deal, or a bad one?
These are matters of personal judgment. Let the players judge their trades - Jagex can only write code; players can think for themselves.
04-Jan-2011 21:07:50