"...and to all the people who say the wildy isnt dangerous am i the only one who knows the meaning of the word revenants"
Dude I can run through the wilderness 100 times and not see 1 revenant(and yes I have done that before). The point of the wilderness is for it to be dangerous but if you dont run into anything dangerous then it just becomes and huge waste of space. Also your point of RWT and scammers is pointless, there still are RWTers around, still scammers around; there are ways around jagex's systems as anyone with half a brain can see. Tons of bots are still in place and no matter how good jagex or really any developers detection programs are or how up to date they are, it takes a minimum of 3 days for these botter to get around the programming and theyre getting better at it everytime... but I digress. The fact of the matter is your points are pointless and I suggest you try a different approach if youre going to convince anyone that free trade/wilderness is a bad idea.
02-Jan-2011 11:41:15