i've got a question and the question is about those of us who voted against the wild and free trade, will jagex make worlds that have no pvp in towns or the wild, i think its only fair they do, since you know, they went and made pvp only servers for people who wanted pvp, so now it would only be fair to keep some worlds free of pvp, i've played this game a long while, quite a long while, i remember when runescape classic was the only form of runescape, so i've seen all the changes our games gone through, now personally i voted no, because i remember all the people that got hacked, taken to the wild and killed for their stuff, and i remember when the hackers would take an account to the drop party place, and i've got a feeling that this whole thing is no good, people are all hyped up now about the wild and no trade limits, but i dont give it that long before people are complaining again and want it gone, but i really think, since jagex catered to the player killers that complained, and gave them full pvp worlds other then banks, guilds and few safe spots, they should extend the same courtisy to those of us that voted no and keep some worlds non pvp. or, just not bring the wild and free trade back at all, because like it or not, your gonna have some kid that guys spirit shields, and high end items off **** or something, so everyone tryin to play legit, good job with helping the lazy people unwilling to attempt to play legit have a free easy ride.
14-Jan-2011 17:27:00