@ Espion Roku - Whoever said they were scared of the wild? I personally don't go out there much, if I have to go out there, old wild or not, I run out with nothing on me or whatever I need for a clue (only 2 times, maybe?).
I stated that I support the old drop system that they took out with the old wild, I'm sure if they just brought the drop system back, a lot of old pk'ers who quit would still be happy with that and come back, that's mostly the only reason they were upset. They don't have to put old wild back on every single world, just that people drop exactly what they are carrying instead of a % of what a system says they should drop, which lead a lot of people into feeling conned by the "new drop system."
As for the free-trade; well, there's going to be some conflict there with all the things they've added since taking it away in the first place. I've made suggestions before that I won't repeat, but it's just going to be a bundle of issues for Jagex.
I just know that Jagex is opening up an old wound and should think about it from all aspects as to make almost everyone happy. It's a given that they won't make everyone happy, that's just how it is with every update, they are bound to rub someone the wrong way.
26-Dec-2010 17:38:40