^ Yes, I am getting fed up of people saying stuff like that in a few of the mods clan chats. I just tend to ignore them now.
Experience does not matter, and some of the people who are *new* to this game, might not want them to come back, as they are used to the way that the game is and do no want to experience it.
In all honesty, it is about pure opinion.
I voted no and I have been there before.
been playing from about ... 2004 winter or so.. or before.. so i think, that you REALLY should vote yes. cus this pvp bounty whatever is too controlled and stuff..
AND as millions have said rs is under inflation of pvp and bounty worlds cus they produce too much GP.
about scamming - i have personally NEVER had over 2m gps, and thats why go pking every time i get 300k.. which is nowadays too easy. BECAUSE nobody scams you
liek 4 yrs ago i was pking like hell.. but was low on cash... oh... im like writing a f**king diary here.. soz.
anyways. vote yes if ur not p**sy. oh and rs is getting too laggy.. i mean on crappy comps. release a low graph version? well.. VOTE YES MOTHERF%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.
@ILL OWN it was a rhetorical question but great 2 hear some1 agrees wwith me
@ty i dont get what ur going on about
u said pking gives loads of money then u said u have never had 2mill
then u said that theres not enough camming so pking is easy
then u started using the stupid how long ive been playing logic
then us strated swearing at people 2 try and get them 2 vote yes
if thats the kind of way u try and get votes 4 yes then u shud just shut up
ull get more votes that way
Vote yes everybody, the new BH is terrible. I hate waiting a hour for a target and 2 hours to get 100 ep for a good drop. Not to mention if you go on a massive killing spree without dieing, your drops will get worse!! You need DP which you only get if you die with a lot of expensive items or die numerous times.
Not to mention artifacts are causing massive inflation bringing millions of gp into the game.
For the dumb "Omg there will be scammers!" argument, yes there will be. You are taking a risk by going into the wilderness even if you are stupid enough to get lured. As for trade scamming, how can you even get scammed with a big "!" when you remove an item?
This game is too safe and too easy. I bet Zezima voted yes. That's the main reason he stopped playing.
You make me, and Im sure many others, laugh my ass off. You obviously started this game in 2010 because it is clear that you have no idea what you are talking about.
You also speak like my 12 year old brother, which means you aren't suppose to play this game. With that being said, if you weren't so young, you would be smart enough to not be scammed. You sir, have no argument.
I've been a member since 2005 and voted no because I never liked the player killer feature. I don't engage in the activity and never will. I loved when Jagex got rid of this idiotic feature. I liked that we now had a central area of trade (GE), so that the banks around Runescape weren't crammed with ppl, but I do agree with the free trade option in part. My question is this, why can't Jagex just accomodate everyone? I don't want the old wild back and if it does get changed back, then I will probaly cancel my account as well as my kids accounts. If Jagex is only going to listen to the current majority and not the individual players then this whole game has just gotten even sadder. I would rather spend my money on a game account that I enjoy playing, rather than on a game that condones "killing" other players as sport.
@ Grendelina
I too am a veteran player, since around and about 2001-2002. Much like you, I don't take part in PvP. However, to call it idiotic is a tad drastic. Everyone is entitled to their opinions both liking and disliking. I think, just as I believe you do, there should have been a more elaborate vote. We should be voting on Free-Trade and Wilderness separately, after all, they're two different subjects.
03-Jan-2011 03:20:48
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03-Jan-2011 05:26:27
I think This is a great Idea! I miss being able to give my friends presents and random "I'm quitting the game forever" drop parties.(the ones were you like folo the dude and he drops stuff)
.. As for wilderness I didnt have a prob with it. I'm sure jagex will make the dig locations more random so you dont have ppl camping the trail sites maybe make it if your in a fight with a trail boss no one can att you and then your instenly telied to varroc. I Voted YES!!