Imurdady 81:
Yes there is risk of being PKed in the wildy, and that can enhance excitement, but there is no excitement for a player who decides to train in the mage arena, and finds he or she cannot because there is a clan of 20 PK's right outside it waiting to mow down any poor soul who happens to want to train their magic.
Also, multi-combat PK areas aren't a fair combat area. They're patrolled by large groups of killers waiting to prey upon any singular or small group of players. The smaller groups dont even stand a chance of winning. They might as well get up and have a drink of milk while they wait for the inevitable to happen. That's not fair, and that's not fun.
My experience with PKs tells me that most PKs want to kill others for loot with minimal risk. They minimise the risk by joining a clan. How this can be seen as an honourable, fair, or enjoyable past time is beyond me.
I would be happier if they gave each player a "point value" based upon their stats and items, and players could only attack others who are in their "point range" and that point range gets bigger and bigger as they go deeper into the wild (kind of like the old wildy was, but using points instead of levels).
In addition to this, if a player is in a clan, their points should be tallied with all the other clan member's points as well. This will stop large clans singling out and massacring individual players, and will mean that all PvP fights are somewhat balanced, and will mean that people who join a PK clan will have to face a similar level of risk as they would be on their own.
To also keep PKs honest, RS should also make it impossible for a player to attack someone in their own clan. (I don't know if this system is already in place or not?)
26-Dec-2010 07:27:34