
Wildy/Free Trade referendum... Thread is locked

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Posts: 254 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What about the mage arena, abyss, agility course, runite mine, green dragons, etc etc?
WTF Mammoth:
On the contrary, making free trade will drastically increase the price of items, and give botters much more incentive to cheat.
Imurdady 81:
without entering into a flame war, you need to remember that every RS character you kill is controlled by a real life person with real life feelings, and most likely this person will be a young teen who wouldn't appreciate being mercilessly mowed down by a PK (or a clan of PKs).
I don't like it, but I can "cop it sweet" when I'm PKed by another player fair and square. But the most gutless and cowardly thing to do (in my opinion) is to have a clan of 10 (and sometimes more) PKs ganging up and piling any player they can. I disagree with PKing at all, but it makes me sick to the stomach to see whole clans of players "piling" a single player.
When I said "bullying" earlier, this is what I meant - The clan vs 1 hunting and slaughtering that many PKs seem to enjoy.
-IF- the old wildy is brought back, I'll have to insist that Jagex make the wildy a 1:1 combat area only.

26-Dec-2010 06:17:14



Posts: 520 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I voted yes just cause I remember how much fun the old method of PvP was.Now onto my question. Would it be possible to have the old drop rules back. Like you can drop an item on the ground and its a free for all. I always enjoyed dropping money or armor in the middle of lumby for some unsuspecting new player or holding a drop party with my friends. Can we have that back?

26-Dec-2010 06:20:28

Imurdady 81

Imurdady 81

Posts: 53 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
These were fine before the original update. I felt great after completing w.e it was i had to do in the wild because it was so dangerous.
negative, do you not remember how the prices were? now a days people drive prices to extremes, plummet one day to sky rocket next, to prices items were not meant to reach (or were they? economics is economics lol). Players are not stupid(hopefully), we will not buy items at outrageous prices, items will definitely stabilize.
I understand your sympathy for people dying, but they knew the risk, they knew what lied in the wildy. A player should not go into the wildy knowing what could happen to simply cry afterward. Most young teens actually do understand what is going on and will accept what happens. I feel you consider the small number to deeply, but if it is a cause why not take it into your own hands and give those people items for something they knew would happen? also, the teens of this generation are being exposed to much worse than a loss of rune, i honestly find it hard to believe they cannot cope.
i mostly enjoyed pking when it was with my best friend, we put everything at risk together ;D a lot of us meet new people and make friends through pking, it is not as horrible as you and others portray it.

26-Dec-2010 06:57:05



Posts: 4 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have been a part of runescape for a number of years now (Pre-07) and I ended up quitting because my favorite part of rs was destroyed, merching. I loved running a business with my friend because it would help meet new people as well. We would sell unidentified herbs (how many remember those? Idk how long they've been gone) for 1k each and people would buy. It would help their herblore and also be a gamble for them. Sometimes once identified, the herb was worth 200gp and other times it was worth 2k. But the thing I loved about merching was meeting people and bartering on prices instead of the GE where you drop it and walk away. It helped me grow up a lot and I see the concerns of the nay-sayers but I was one who got scammed myself and honestly, I'm glad I did. I admit this: I've scammed players before. And you know what? They learned from it. Just as I did. Runescape taught me a lot about the world and how it works and because of that, I thank merching and the wildy.
For those complaining about clue scrolls, give the update a shot. Just like in a treasure hunt, there's gotta be a high risk for a high reward. Go in prepared, and if you do make it the thrill will be better and the reward sweeter. I was never much of a wildy traveler, I just enjoyed selling my wares and meeting clients and talking to people. I spent hours making millions of gp at the varrock west bank and I had a blast. Without free trade, you can't buy cheap and sell high which allows a higher profit. I'd even give new players armor sets all the time, because I gave to the community and it made them into clients.
I voted yes whole heartedly, and I hope the update goes through ASAP so I can buy members again and really enjoy this game for how I used to. It's an MMO, there should be multiple ways to enjoy it besides just skilling which I don't really care for.
Tl;dr Businesses are fun but lame without free trade.

26-Dec-2010 07:16:54

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26-Dec-2010 07:24:36



Posts: 254 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Imurdady 81:
Yes there is risk of being PKed in the wildy, and that can enhance excitement, but there is no excitement for a player who decides to train in the mage arena, and finds he or she cannot because there is a clan of 20 PK's right outside it waiting to mow down any poor soul who happens to want to train their magic.
Also, multi-combat PK areas aren't a fair combat area. They're patrolled by large groups of killers waiting to prey upon any singular or small group of players. The smaller groups dont even stand a chance of winning. They might as well get up and have a drink of milk while they wait for the inevitable to happen. That's not fair, and that's not fun.
My experience with PKs tells me that most PKs want to kill others for loot with minimal risk. They minimise the risk by joining a clan. How this can be seen as an honourable, fair, or enjoyable past time is beyond me.
I would be happier if they gave each player a "point value" based upon their stats and items, and players could only attack others who are in their "point range" and that point range gets bigger and bigger as they go deeper into the wild (kind of like the old wildy was, but using points instead of levels).
In addition to this, if a player is in a clan, their points should be tallied with all the other clan member's points as well. This will stop large clans singling out and massacring individual players, and will mean that all PvP fights are somewhat balanced, and will mean that people who join a PK clan will have to face a similar level of risk as they would be on their own.
To also keep PKs honest, RS should also make it impossible for a player to attack someone in their own clan. (I don't know if this system is already in place or not?)

26-Dec-2010 07:27:34



Posts: 254 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Without free trade, you can't buy cheap and sell high which allows a higher profit"
Free trade was a mindless way of doing this. It is very easy to use the GE to buy low and sell high, making a decent profit. Look up the principle of "flipping" the stock market on google. That same principle can be used on RS at the GE, and it's all about buying low and selling high.
Please research commerce and economics before you go making more outrageously ignorant comments :P .

26-Dec-2010 07:34:26



Posts: 198 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
tbh we wont miss 3k people (maybe less)of the people who say they will quit if this update happens, might as well quit now, the people have spoken, this is a free world people have the right to free choice.
and so do you, so quit, i for one wont miss a skill, for every one skill there are 3-4 bots to replace them
skillers are not as important as you make them out to be. we can live with out 3k of them.
and the fact is all you guys have is talk..when the update happens i bet you will all be here.
more people left when they took out old wildy.
jagex believe it are not is in this for the money, and obviously 3k people wont drive them to change this poll.
so get ready, or ragequit. either way im happy.

26-Dec-2010 08:24:57

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