I understand that most people would love to have free trade and wildy back, but think of what is great now that we won't have later on.
Now in wildy, it is far safer than before the update. I know revenants patrol the place and people die, but most people can run away from them before they die! Imagine people who never fought in PVP worlds and never wanted to fight in the first place, trying to get a treasure trail done in wildy, get freaking rushed and teleblocked! Now, in my personal experience, I never had more than four revenants hit me in the same time. They are not even hard to escape. Imagine trying to go to 50 wildy and do your agility training and tens of Pkers just standing there ruining it. You could switch prayer and run from a rev, but pkers could follow you for a really long time. If we have wildy back, popular places like KBD or Corporeal Beast's route would be really dangerous full of money crazy rushing clans of PKers.
If they want old wildy back, why not just make a world that has old wildy in it, and take multiplayer off, not change the whole community. That would be a win-win situation.
Second, many people in the past used to scam and I have been through those years. When Jagex set the price limitation, it kept our economy of goods stabled and although merchants would ruin some item's worth, it would be realistic as in the real world. Setting the prices to anything they want would cause many price changes and some normal items such as prayer potions would be very unstable since many people would buy them while merchants would sell them higher than they need to be. And besides, friends could trade up to 200k now, so why bother to take the trade limit away? I bet most people who voted yes wants to bank items from other accounts they have.
So my answer is no, runescape is at a good place right now.
24-Dec-2010 22:43:04