1st post by Mod Nexus says:
[i*"To view the referendum result and cast your vote, click here."[/i]
But where is this "click here" link? How do I vote no to these rediculous ideas?
I'm 21 and I've been playing RS for god knows how long (at least 5 years, mayber as many as 7 or 8?) and have been a member for the past couple years.
Thinking seriously, jagex needs to support players who enjoy bullying others into submission and stealing their items (PKs) as well as the placid skillers, as well as the monster killers. The way RS is at the moment it is supporting all 3 groups well. Bringing back the old wildy will just give the PKs the ability to dominate an entire section of the map on every world. There will be no way to escape them if we need to go into the wildy...
I like the idea posted on page 1 though, where you can choose to be a PK or not when you enter the wildy, and then PKs can only attack other PKs. To make it easier for the PKs to identify who they can kill and who they can't, PKs could be easily identified by having a coloured circle under their feet and have a different coloured dot on the minimap, too. Just an idea...
I can see the appeal in bringing back free trade, but it will destroy the RS economy, creating a far larger disparity between the rich and poor players of RS - not to mention that it will ruin the stock market feel to the current GE.
Overall, I'm a "no" to free trade, and a "NO! NEVAR! NUH-UH! NO-WAY HO-ZAY! NOT AT ALL! NEVER EVAR!" to the old wildy.
> If free trade returns, I'll facepalm.
> If the old wildy comes back, I'll cancel my subscription and stop playing runescape all together.
26-Dec-2010 04:47:47