@magic ben
jagex already ruined runescape for thousands of players before in 2007. it was chaos; now they are finally making up for it. and yes....finally a REASON TO LOG IN
As a PKer since 03 i say that this is long overdue. VOTE YES!!! Wilderness wont affect skillers. but no Wilderness affects PKers. so stop crying people who are scared to do scrolls in the wilderness. besides...majority of votes are yes, so deal with it.
Honestly I remember seeing a bot on every single yew tree when we had free trade. Expect to see a lot more level 3 green men chopping logs.
I feel that it's far too late to put pking back in the game, not only will the runescape economy suffer. Everyone remembers abyssal pkers, or mage bank campers.
How about you only allow pking on certain worlds?
I could hit myself in the head with a brick repeatedly and come up with better arguments against bringing back the wild and free trade even though I don't feel that way. If I felt that anyone opposed to the referendum had a single intelligent cell in their body they might have been able to convince more players to vote "no". However, the results are showing a huge difference in favor of "yes". Get used the to the fact that all of you "no" voting sissies are going to have to play RuneScape with your brain not Jagex holding your hand.
Dude, "only allow pking on certain worlds?" we already have that. The wild is supposed to be DANGEROUS...
Also, the bot thing... It wasn't free trade that made these so abundant, it was JaGex's inferior bot detection systems at the time.
Nowadays, JaGex actually has a real bot detection system, now please, use a legit reason to complain.
02-Jan-2011 05:55:53
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02-Jan-2011 05:56:30
Do you think it is wrong to burn a Flag?
I beleave it is wrong and one should never do it.
hummm yes there is a BUT.....
I should have that right if I so take a notion.
after all we are said to be free right?
No one hase got to go into the wilderness and PK I Don't
But... If i take a notion to try it I should have that Right....Right
I am a skiller 98% of the time.
I voted YES.
ON all 3 Ac*****
Maybe this helps you understand the 90% a good 40% of the yes votes are skillers.
OHHh And WE skillers make good GP off PK.ers lol
Have fun all
Clue scrolls were in the wildy before it was removed they should stay there, things like minigames that were put into the wilderness because it was no longer home to pkers should be moved but things like clues agility course etc they were there before and they should stay the idea is you get rewarded for the extra risk.
how about the fact that rs will be flooded with rwt and scammers
the one thing i dont get is how thisll bring loads of bots
and how stupid do u have 2 be to say that people against who have the proof that their arguments have been proved right before have worse arguments than the idiots who keep churning out the same rubbish along the lines of it was fun cos we got to take other people items and be really annoying and then complain if we die or our target teleports away 2 stop u stealing their items
and to all the people who say the wildy isnt dangerous am i the only one who knows the meaning of the word revenants