I've read through many of these posts, and I agree with some and disagree with others.
I've been playing RuneScape since around 2004 and I know some things about what has gone on. I know Jagex got rid of free trade awhile back to help fight a couple issues that were huge, scamming and account stealing.
Bringing back free trade, I fear the account stealing will sky rocket, and thereby, losing more players to what was so eloquently put "dwindling community". How or why the community can only be left to speculation, but a huge number of players quit due to the change in the wilderness. This was a Jagex said, a necessary change as people were using it to trade with bots, kill stolen accounts for the items and a large number of things.
While the free trade change came as a huge inconvenience, I think it really saved a great many people a lot of headaches.
This brings me to my next concern. Since the wilderness pking was removed from the game, Jagex has added a great deal many things. 1)A new boss monster (Corporeal Beast), penguins, elite clues, quests (they said they'd address that issue), Beacon Network (they said they'd address that issue as well), stealing creations, and some other minor details I don't have enough room to get into.
There may be many pkers that would like to see the return of the "old wilderness" and this may reflect on the RuneScape economy in such a way as to raise the value of certain items namely clue rewards, but for many the elite clues are difficult alone, without having someone attacking you. But penguins would be huge.
I feel the initial vote because it was "yes only" and no sign in required, was flawed in such a way that many dishonest people could fill out any player log in name they chose to cast a vote. I think that is reflected in the referendum vote.
In short, I think both should be 2 completely separate votes, independent of each other and I also believe, as with what others have mentioned, the bots will flourish again.
31-Dec-2010 11:51:39