So it is that while Free Trade provides some support for hackers, it also sets up some barriers against hackers who use Real World Trading (Most of them) by increasing the traffic and thus risk of being caught either by Jagex, a viral site, or even by fellow hackers.
I may have not explained this very well, so I will use an analogy to get my point across.
Free-Trade, is like a fertilizer for a garden (Runescape). Both the cabbages (Rule abiding players) and the weeds (Hackers) profit from it. However, as the plants grow more bountifully, rabbits take notice and consume some of the weeds which venture along the edges (Real World Trading/Hacking sites) of the yard (The Internet). These rabbits then leave the cabbages alone, being full already. The Gardener (Jagex) observes all these things, and seeing the rabbits full and unable to move quickly, kills them and consumes (files suit to the owner of site when possible, among other means) them for his dinner.
This analogy does not work perfectly, but I think it adaquately characterizes how Free Trade both supports Hackers (In this case Real World Traders vs. Account *ackers), and causes them to fail (Due to their own ravenous and autophage*ous nature).
07-Jan-2011 05:50:42