Hello all,
My idea is that bringing back free trade and the wilderness will revert the game back to its old days, where everyone used to haggle for their goods, whether it be buying or selling. This will inturn bring back the old art of earning money through trading with others - merchanting. I support this idea as Grand Exchange merchanting is beyond me and I believe that standing in the same place for hours whilst pressing 1-2 buttons and earning a mass amount of money is somewhat unfair, and I believe every play must be able to use their best abilities to obtain gold and items, whether it be a skill and or merchanting through free trade.
Like many others, however, there is the thought of the occurence of RWT'ing as free trade will allow any items to be traded with no restrictions, making Real World Trading very easy again. Hopefully Jagex can battle this mass of RWT'ing that will occur if the update is implemented. It is said that those that are more prosperous in real life will be able to RWT'd large masses of money for in-game currency and therefore buy any item they so please, putting them ahead, and of course other players behind. Not everyone has this benefit, and so Jagex should be able to challenge those that will initially do this.
I believe that the economy will somehow go all over the place, in regards to item prices dropping and/or raising, like what can be seen now in game - armour prices are falling rapidly. This will benefit those with a mass of gold, but not those that benefit mainly on items, such as those that are worth a hefty sum, this includes weapons - godswords etc.
On the other hand, I forgot to mention that I am FOR this update, however I believe that Jagex will need to think carefully about what consequences the update may bring if they implement it - the thought of RWT'ing, mass of botters etc.
Just my two cents.
31-Dec-2010 12:18:48