Oh yeah and Btw, any of you crying about not adding free trade because of scammers, that is your own fault for being fooled ** them. most scams simply played on the hope that you wouldn't check the second trade window, or either didn't know about the wilderness. that is sad considering the whole point of the trade second window was to let you check for sure your trades. Don't cry to jagex saying that you were scammed, it's your own fault. It shouldn't be against the rules, it is simply smart players using their knowledge of people to turn a profit.
;;;;;::¸‹•º"º•›¸::...:;;The Runescape Classic Wanderer;;:...::****"º•›¸::;;;;;
;;::.¸º...:::::;;;;º¸'¸º......::::::;;;;;;;;; RSC Veteran ;;;;;;;;;::::::.....º¸'¸º;;;;:::::...º¸.::;;
30-Dec-2010 18:34:05