OKAY this is to everyone who doesnt want this vote to pass. if you were here when they first took this away, you OBVIOUSLY didnt see how jagex just killed runescape! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE QUIT BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY DID?! I quit as a matter of fact, because when i came in that day, i realized "well jagex pretty much screwed this game over, and since then i havent played, but when i heard about this from a friend i thought i would try and come back and play, so i logged on, and look runescape is even more dumb because of the recent updates, honestly who cares about the bots, they arent hurting you? OH BOO HOO HE TOOK MY TREE, get over yourselves and go train some combat skills your freakin panzys, jesus dont complain on whats just personal for you, how about you guys think about what people like pkers, and people who merchant to make their money, think about them for a little bit, and take a walk in there shoes you bunch of selfish people. "oh well i got scammed when i was a young player!" maybe you shouldnt have been so stupid, and took a look at the finally trade menu eh? bring it back.
30-Dec-2010 18:41:36