I would like to see free trade come back, but the wilderness stay as it is now. I think because of the current grand exchange players will now know the price of items better, thus decreasing scams. As far as the wilderness is concerned, I beleive bringing it back would only appeal to the small group, which is know as "pkers". I would hate to see this minority win over the much lager audience.
Thanks for taking my vote into consideration
If the small group knows as ''pkers'' may not have their wildy back what's your problem?
if it's really a small group you will never meet them.
But believe me, they're BIG!
~ Defenceforce
I don't want the Wildy back, just free trade. I can assure that the current 90% who voted yes for bringing back the wildy and free trade only voted for free trade as we'de rather sacrifice PVP for free trade but would much rather have free trade and PVP than the Wilderness. Why were they even put into the same option box? Why weren't they separated? They are completely DIFFERENT. Putting them into two different categories would make more sense giving us TWO votes with FOUR option boxes, 1.) yes for wildy 2.) Yes for free trade 3.) No for Wildy 4.) No for free trade. So say if in overall people wanted Free Trade but NOT the Wildy (WHICH IS PROABABLY THE CASE!) Then all that needs to be updated is giving is back free trade and not having to go through all the hassle of moving Clan Wars etc. It's always 1 step forward two steps back isn't it...
Ahhhhh, I'm gonna take a good 'ol stinky dump on everyones doorstep who votes **, so unless you want to clean my poop off of your doorstep and perhaps throughout your lawn, vote YES NOW!
@ Defenceforce , this is only a game to you but to Jagex its a company and a game. They want to make their money and you want good content and they need money to make content.
I agree with you but..
50% of the players left when the wildy and free trade were removed. I remember when 500.000 players where online at one time.
So.. more money?
~ Defenceforce