I think you are mistakened smith... The majority of the people that i know (even people that have NEVER pked) want the wilderness back aswell. They tell me that the old wilderness made activities that took place in the wilderness for exciting. The thought that 90% of the voters voting yes don't want the wilderness back is very egocentric. just because you think like that doesnt mean that 90% of the people do.
@ Z O A T Well that's the point though isn't it... They've never Pked, they are unable to judge before they have tried it themselves. They may want it but they have no idea why they want it back, they have only heard other peoples opinions. When PVP came out, most people stopped their wining about the Wildy going and actually thought PVP was a better development
30-Dec-2010 15:32:13
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30-Dec-2010 15:35:44
@ SmithinDrag0
I don't agree with you. It's all about Runescape how it was before and how it is now.
The majority of the voters (90%) wishes to play how it was before, "the good old time"*
******; I also agree with Z O A T.
30-Dec-2010 15:33:34
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30-Dec-2010 15:34:49
@ AEB5... people still hack... Bringing back the wilderness and free trade would do not change the way people hack.. hackers can still hack right now and make their money by selling accounts to friends. ive had friends that have been hacked recently.
picclo get off the forum! Your arguments are appalling! You aren't making any valid points. Unless you come up with any seriously get off ! Your annoying alot of us, with your naivety and ignorance!