I voted yes, knowing exactly that there wouldn't be another screen, because it said..."vote YES" so i voted. I am happy with my vote for several reasons.
1.pking was amazing, and plus you guys who are worried about dieng on a clue scroll, quest etc., on less populated worlds there aren't as many pkers. It makes the game more challenging, don't you think?
2.I hate the grand exchange it makes the game wayyyyy to easy. I missed going to world 2 and buying stuff for cheaper. and walking around in fally.
3. There are so many botters,and RWTing going on, which is nearly undetectable, for the very reason that the website goes on your account and makes you the money****** would just change the process of RWTing, not deleting it. And it makes us happier(well most of us for that matter).
4.I loved the old wildy, not being skulled all the time... so if you get rushed you keep 3 items.
So in that case, if you are trying to do a clue, bring your scroll, your spade and a weapon or even a food/antipoison
22-Dec-2010 21:36:31