First off, I've been playing since winter 02-03. I've seen lots of changes to this game. I had already started playing less, but when they removed the wilderness I stopped altogether. It was only when I heard about its possible return that I became interested in playing again.
As much as I want the wildy back, the way you went about the voting system was BS. By tricking people into voting and not requiring a login you invalidated the process. It's obvious Jagex has some ulterior motives in bringing the wildy back, or else they would have just used the standard poll system already designed.
So now instead of the players who were against the wildy's return having to accept the fact they were outvoted, now they feel cheated, especially those that were tricked into voting the wrong way.
I do however think that free trade will bring back a world of RWT and Bot problems.
However, with NO free trade, and wildy enabled it would be more difficult and you'd stand the chance of being pk'd while making a RWT transaction. Now, if you make it so there are only a few ways to enter the wild, ardy tele lever, an entrance at edge, and an entrance at varrock, it will be significantly harder because there will be pk'ers camped out there all the time.
Also, put a $ over anyone's head who enters the wild with coins or rares. To make this even more difficult, you could put bounties, and an arrow following, on people who regularly enter the wild with irregular items.
Sure you can still sell a couple mil gp by losing your whip on purpose, but it will cut it down significantly.
Also, with the proliferation of worlds now in the game, I'd like to see the wilderness only be available on 10-25% of the game worlds, or possibly dynamically adjust the opening of wilderness in a given world. It was much more fun in the days when there were only 6 p2p worlds. The wilderness was always alive with activity.
04-Jan-2011 04:59:49