To all the people ranting about bringing wildy and free trade back:
1) A referendum is a poll in which every player gets to participate, it works as a democracy, the majority of the votes will make the decision of wether or not wildy and free trade are going to pass and be reimplemented.(Oh how I love Mill's theory of the oppresing majority)
2) Your threats against Jagex about quitting and not paying membership are minimal, you're only like 9%, I doubt 9% of the population will have a great impact against Jagex's income, plus you haven't counted the other part of the population which will start playing runescape again, on the contrary Jagex will have more income with more people playing the game.
3) Clues are supposed to be hard, the wilderness is supposed to be full of danger, not a playground.
4) Your arguments regarding people creating new accounts and voting YES are pointless, who knows, maybe people are creating accounts to vote NO, you're basing your arguments on speculation.
5) Free trading will be a huge relief for many people, do you know how annoying it is to gather junk in order to meet the price established by the engine? Players are the ones supposed to choose the price of an item they have worked for and they should have the power to sell it for any amount asked for.
6) I'm sure GE will work fine, obviously it will have a lot of changes, who knows? Maybe it will be a whole new system.
In other words, if you voted NO, good for you, just don't go complaining to everybody and threatening to quit the game, respect the decisions of the other players, the game is supposed to be for everyone, not just for you, think selflessly.
04-Jan-2011 03:43:19