am a bit confused as to what i want to happen. i want the wildy back to the way it was, but having the wildy that way is a risk for new players to get lured and killed. i remamber it happened to me. (mind you i did that as well when i got to a higher level, so i can't exactly say i am innocent) the wildy as pk zone was also inconvenient for when you wanted to go to the mage training arena in the wildy. also, i think that if the wildy does go back, there should be a part of the tutorial that shows you the dangers of it. as for free trade, i liked it when you could trade vast amounts of money beetween players.but what will happen to the grand exchange when free trade comes back?? forum selling was fun but sometimes it was hard to find the exact item you were looking for. especially if it was rare or very expensive. in a summary, i want free trade, but i am not sure about the wildy
Well, there is this big warning sign that comes up when you try to jump the ditch.
04-Jan-2011 02:45:46