I seriously don't care if noobs getting scammed.
If there's a red ''!'' mark when someone is changing his stuff in the trade screen, and you can still manage to get scammed you should stop playing this game.
Bring the real RS back!
~ Defenceforce
I really don't know why people crying about lvl 3 clues.
I NEVER died while doing a lvl 3 clue at wilderness.If you are stupid enough to not logout when you see a white dot on your minimap you basically deserve to die.
Also taking different routes can help you avoid pkers, for example instead going to magebank you go under it, cos everyone knows there are more pkers at mage bank than under it.Wilderness is the place where the most cunning will survive.
Besides you can always 4 items to minimize your loses and keep your clue.So there isn't any risk to even lose your items.
This is an open invitation for more botters than there already are. If you played back when every single willow tree had at least 10 botters on it and every mine have a ton of botters then you should be against it. Green Dragons right now are filled with botters and it is near impossible to get a kill. This is also an open invitation for hackers to start hacking accounts and putting all your stuff onto their account. Scamming will also come back, with no trade limit scams will become possible once again.
@ Adh11411
I completely agree with him.
It's not a threat like: "Change it like it was or I quit".
It's just a fact. Many people see this referendum as a last chance to go on with this game.
It will be the update they wished for during the last 3 years.
@aoc dreamz, i completely agree with you! I hate that pking is packed into a few worlds. With it spread out to all worlds, i can actualkly have a little more strategy. it also increases the level of fun because not all the fights will be in edgeville now. I can actually hunt around for people! I think that MOST (not all) people voting no are post 2007 accounts that are too scared.
I remember back then the wilderness and dying a lot, but really, theres a WARNING that you will lose your stuff if you die. That's what it is, I see people complaining about losing there stuff and apparently they dont know there in the wildy.
I want free trade back because it makes things so much easier. I think everything will still have some kind of value on it but to pay what I want is good enough for me.
also, to people claiming that botters will return in masses, Jagex said they have a solution so heres a crazy idea... they probably do! and i dont know if you remember or not but *he masses of botters was not really a problem until late 2007. before that there wernt really that many. Jagex is not stupid. If they bring this back, they know what could happen and they prepared for it!
30-Dec-2010 15:20:31
- Last edited on
30-Dec-2010 15:22:08