
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Ein Llyw Ola
Jun Member 2007

Ein Llyw Ola

Posts: 121 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A lot of people are saying that botting is much worse than before. How do they know? AS L R said, they are botting across all skills now, and not just swarming yews. I spend a lot of time training lots of skills in order to try and create a balanced character, and as such I have been to to most efficient spots in most skills for training and making money, and I don't see this as the case. Spots across the board are emptier than ever, and most are more than willing to chat. A few people however march on silently and relentlessly. Are they bots? There isn't a way of telling.
Guess what, sometimes people like to work alone. If someone doesn't want to talk to you, that's on them. Indeed sometimes when swarmed by chatty fellow players I turn off my chat in a desperate attempt or some peace. Don't believe the hype, player estimates of botters may be grossly exaggerated. In short I think JAGEX know what they're talking about better than most players. Look at things analytically and don't be swayed by hearsay and a friends story about some guy's nephew's niece who conclusively proved there are a million botters. Chill

30-Dec-2010 13:10:19



Posts: 80 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I believe this is a very good idea indeed, I'm just wondering, why do we have to wait until 14th? why not new years day? We already have 90% votes for yes and I want to PK, I haven't pked in days now since my character is just standing in wildy prepared to fight.

30-Dec-2010 13:20:08



Posts: 1,730 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Fine, one more quickie and that's it.
Gayylicious, (I'm not offended, but) how bout another interpretation of why the difference in ratios of supporters to opponents in forum vs. referendum. Geez, do I really need to keep repeating this stuff?
People in the forums are pretty much just themselves; people expressing opinions for themselves. "One man, one post" to paraphrase. They aren't too likely to make a bunch of new accounts to make posts with.
People in the referendum are probably about one fifth to one tenth of the actual votes cast. You can't seriously be another one of those people who thinks 620K votes = 620K players? They only eliminated one form of cheating going from phase one to phase two: You can now no longer vote for other players accounts. You can still vote all of your own existing accounts. And you can still make new accounts and vote them.
1.2 million votes in 24 hours for phase one. 620K votes in like 5 or 6 days for phase 2. Now, how many do you suppose there would be if they eliminated the rest of the cheating?
EDIT: I forgot: 1.2M in 24 hours isn't the entirety of the first poll. It was like 1.6M in like 3 days.

30-Dec-2010 13:20:50 - Last edited on 31-Dec-2010 04:46:48 by Phthartic



Posts: 142 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First I would like to say I have never been scammed, lured, or hacked. I am also an "'08 prod."
Free trade:
If you read the newspost you will see that the GE is here to stay, just with restrictions removed. I honestly dont care if free trade is brought back; I'm used to the trade limits but would welcome their removal. I understand the issue of rwt/botting is very real, but Jagex has stated they are better-prepared to handle it than back in '07. I also understand that if the wilderness returns, free trade is certain to come with it. Therefore, this vote is really more about the wilderness, in my opinion anyway.
I am not a pker, but I do many things that require entering the wildy. Bosses, clues, abyss, green drags, chaos tunnels (you have to go through low wildy to get to it), penguins, to name a few. While quests and minigames would be relocated, Jagex has NOT guranteed any of the items I just listed would be moved, and I don't want to have pkers after me while I do these. I will admit that the revenants do not make it anywhere near as dangerous as the old wildy must have been, but thats just it: us non-supporters don't want the wildy to be THAT risky. Revenants make it necessary to come properly equipped when in the wildy, or pay the price. Pkers would just make it too dangerous.
That said, I respect that pkers want to get the items their opponent actually dropped. What I don't respect is pkers wanting to prey on players who never came to the wilderness with the desire to pk. With this in mind, I suggest the following compromise:
(continued in next post)

30-Dec-2010 13:26:42



Posts: 142 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Allow free trade on all worlds. Leave some worlds with no pking and the current system of revenants and gravestones. Don't move ANYTHING out of the wilderness. Enable old-style pking in the wildy on the other worlds, and let people do non-pking wilderness activities on pk worlds if they want to risk it. (like if they want to get runite or less crowded greens, etc.) Everyone's happy, and we can all enjoy the wilderness whichever way we want.
I voted no in the referendum because jagex stated there would be NO pk-free worlds. I suggest that anyone who shares my views does the same. And don't be so naive in thinking that the vote can't possibly change, or that it truly reflects the majority. The vote has only just started, and many non-supporters haven't bothered to vote yet. They just aren't quite as "passionate" as some of the ex-pkers who made dozens of accounts to vote with, skewing the vote early on. And if the majority vote is still yes, which will more likely be the case, Jagex will see that a significant number of players oppose, which will most likely lead to some form of compromise*
***;DR version: Don't mind free trade. Give pkers old wildy back, BUT let non-pkers have rev & gravestone wildy. Vote no, it really does count!

30-Dec-2010 13:26:57 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2010 13:31:30 by Melfeus

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
thats a good suggestion however alot of ppl cant pk in pvp because there is so many ppl in that one server that it is hard to keep up with all the lag. in addition the old pking was way better in my opinion because ppl got to gether in groups and would spend hours having fun in compitition with other groups now its just 1v1 and no one ever getting groups together and anything comming out of it. also the wilderness was awesome because it was something that scared some ppl because they didnt want to walk in because they might die. so when you went in for pking you could find miners who are taking that risk for rares now you dont have that which brings lower lvl bots not many but there are some. plus how awesome was it to kill a lvl 90 as a group of 60s and getting a full bag of rune ore cmon.

30-Dec-2010 13:35:46

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 539 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well, it's about time. I've been playing since early 2005, and I can't remember a better time to play since. After 2007, in my mind, it just went downhill. The removal of the wilderness and free trade, in conjunction with the Grand Exchange, removed all need for player interaction. Why bother talking to people when you could just stand at the Exchange and receive instant gratification?
With the Grand Exchange and it's convenient price ranges making all decisions for the player, the game also became much easier, less of a challenge. I would love to see it removed entirely, but I guess this is better than leaving it as is. When it is changed, I would love to see the price suggestions go. Give us some choice again Jagex.
As for item scamming, just make sure you do your research. If a player is spamming "free armor trimming", check if such a thing is even possible first. You have nobody to blame but yourself in such an event.
Botters and RWT were part of the game. They still are. They always will be. The difference between the botters now and the botters before 2007 is that the bots now are more focused on giving a single person the experience he/she is to lazy to acquire for themselves.
When free trade comes back, there will be more bots, and they will sell gold and items. This is a foregone conclusion. I say, if the person buying the gold is lazy and stupid enough to spend actual money on it, let them. They're hurting nobody but themselves.
I feel strongly on the matter of activities in the wild as well. They were there before, why not now? There's nothing like the thrill of evading a pker while trying to finish a clue. Sure, some people will try to "own" the clue scroll hot spots, but that's the beauty of RuneScape. Simply hop worlds and avoid them. I hope to see MORE activities in the wild in the future, quests too. Make it hard again Jagex, make it hard.

30-Dec-2010 13:37:49

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
as for free trade i could care less because tons of scammers and when it was free trade most rares were so rare you could never afford it just starting out atleast now i can use a side stat to get cash an actually buy something that is rare. bringing the free trade back will make rares unreachable for most ppl again, which was cool in a sence that if you did get one you didnt see a lvl 80 with it too.

30-Dec-2010 13:38:07

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