As an "old school" player, I can only say one thing: PLEASE make it happen. These changes would bring SO many players who quit 2007-2008 back to game - many of them being those who did actually contribute for making the game better.
What this "2008- generation" group is saying doesn't make any sense to me. Bots? They never left, this changes nothing. Scamming? Wat. Also still there, how come you got scammed then, not now, while it is still possible? You've been playing longer and LEARNED from that mistake. People tend to learn from their mistakes, you know. I do agree, that it is to lesser extent now - but it's still there, as I said: changes nothing.
Haven't read it all, but I'm pretty sure someone has mentioned economy being "ruined"... No. What ruined economy in the first place is Grand Exchange - players couldn't have their own prices, all prices are limited etc... (You know, it's not the one who asks who is dumb. It's the one who pays it.) Prior to GE, players basically decided the prices - that's ECONOMY, not set prices. They NEED to change freely for economy to work.
What comes for PvP... I have never been a big fan of this whole EP system, though it was an improvement from BH. Nor the +1 worlds, being able to carry a godsword and whatnot not losing anything of value. Or the revenants for that matter. What's the point of wilderness if there is no risk of dying? First of all, this would bring back real PvP for WHOLE wildy, not just Edgeville. There would be risk, which is good. Without EP **** you could get right into action, without being utterly disappointed not getting any loot. Luring is fine - you have to be ******** to fall into one - there are warning signs, seriously. Could go on, but I think the point is clear here*
***;DR: Pointing right at YOU, 2008 forth generation players who cry against these changes - Don't make arguments on things you have no understanding on. They are, simply, not valid.
To Jagex: One more time, MAKE IT HAPPEN!
30-Dec-2010 12:54:51