Getting real late for me. One more summary post tonight.
If I am wrong in my reasoning for opposing this, after it is implemented (which it will be in some form) I will be perfectly happy.
If Jagex proves after, or preferably before, reverting that they have significantly improved bot REMOVAL and prevention (IDC in the least if you can detect them but fail to ban them) then I will be fine with free trade. I think scammers are scum and I hope people use their report buttons frequently, and that their reports are acted upon, but I'm not worried in the least about increased scamming, only mass bot increases. And if like many say the merch scum are smashed I will be ecstatic.
If everything I need to go in the wildy for is somehow made safe from PKers by moving or "roping off" then I will be fine with old wildy although displeased that I will be forced to mingle more frequently with the criminal class of player in other areas of the world. If I believe all the inaccurate claims repeatedly made, disproven and made again about beacons and D&Ds and clues being moved out, I guess I don't have a thing to worry about.
What it comes down to is supporters either genuinely or disingenuously believe all the most convenient claims and rumors about how this will be reimplemented. Opponents demand specifics and proof of claims, and have no faith that a process that has been so obviously biased in favor of reversion will be implemented in the way Jagex and it's supporters claim.
Not my best writing effort; I'll continue tomorrow with page number evidence in support of my charge that many supporters admit freely that they cheat.
30-Dec-2010 12:38:10