As I stand in my favorite fishing spot, wood cutting spot, or mining spot things have become quite clear. I'll start by saying I have been coming to these same spots for many years now.
Here I stand with 30 or more other characters, more than EVER before. Yet over 90% of them don't ever speak when spoken to.
They don't ever pause between gathering as we all do while PMing, or just looking away for a moment, they move like machines from one spot to the next and to the bank and back with a beautiful focus and dedication that I have never achieved.
I joke about these players with the one or two other folks that actually seem to be playing the game but rarely, if ever can we get any of these machines to break from their routine.
As we debated the return of the wilderness and free trade here I heard many stories of empty banks and the loss of player interaction when W/FT were removed.
I read many folks statements telling me of the substantial numbers of folks botting in the game now and how Jagex said they had new ways to fight it.
I was told I was a noob and an idiot more in one month than all my years here combined for speaking my mind about fears of the return of massive botting in numbers that we have never seen here before.
Today I stand here at my favorite gathering location and I'm definitely no longer alone, at least, to look at my computer screen it would seen that way.
Funny thing is I've never felt more alone here, I've never wondered before why I was even here, I've never felt that the work I have done has so little meaning as I do now.
I'm no longer competing with my fellow players for xp and gps, I'm competing with folks that aren't even here.
In fact I feel kinda stupid even spending time here when over 90% of the others here.....aren't.
Something has definitely become quite clear:
Where the majority of the 90% of the players that voted yes are.
They are standing right next to me.
11-Feb-2011 14:41:32