Though I'm not a paying player at this time, I was for several years and hope to be again in the future. It was a joyous day for me when the Wilderness changed. It's going to be a very disappointing day for me should things go back to the way they were.
As an Adult Player, I see nothing wrong with the challenges the Wilderness brings as it is. There are PVP worlds, why is that not enough? I'm going to echo the suggestion I've seen about if this Referendum goes into effect, restrict it to specific worlds. I realize though, that's nearly impossible since changes in the Marketplace were included in the whole. Too bad.
Clue Scrolls are an issue for me as well. I have died in the Wildy at the hands of a Revenant and lost my Clue and my gear. No biggie. But should this go into effect, I will be tossing away my Clue Scrolls that take me to the Wildy. I refuse to die to another player. My opinion is, they want my gear? Let them put forth the effort and work to make the cash to purchase it themselves, just as I did.
I did not create my Character here at least 6 years ago to be a pvp player, and there are many others like me. What this will do is restrict the gaming area that was not too long ago opened up to us. I also see players complain about the economy in game, and the prices in the Exchange. Removing the pricing restrictions will make the things that are expensive, even more so.
I've survived a lot of changes in RuneScape and adapted to those changes without complaint or outrage. I guess I just don't understand why so many can't see the bigger picture as to why things were changed in the first place.
So I will continue to be a longer. Mining with my real life family members or fishing. Doing a Quest together perhaps. But the Wildy will no longer be explored by me.
02-Jan-2011 16:17:43