omg and do not forget devious minds too you got to go in to the wildy to get in the abyss to take that orb inside a large ess pouch.
it is just not fair because i had to excape the revs plus the little low level things that comes at you all at once. that is once you get inside so you can squeeze in a crack or distract the eyes to get on to entrana with this thing.
what are you guys thinking????????????
also there is while guthix sleeps quest that you have to track the wildy too. also and what would happen if i want to go to mage arena???????????
it is a sad day on runescape because if this goes in effect, the merchers and pks would win and i hate to see that happen
almost everything you said people deal with back in 2004-2007 lol
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Yea I guess it can all be worked out. I've always been nice about helping people and crap and I reported some but then I'm like oh whatever me reporting one person out of how many? It won't do much. But I guess Jagex can handle this if they are actually considering on bringing this back.
That's the fun part, wilderness was special, every trek was a different story, now if you try to go to k*d, omg...rev knight... -it walks away- Durhurr... you're one of those little people who joined after all the changes happened you never saw real runescape, this is like a shoddy private server right now.
You have obviously not been playing this game very long. Do not take what you are not willing to lose into the WILDERNESS. Merching Clans will be GONE when this happens. Pricess will stable out more like they USED TO. Now it's "HURRR EVERYONE BUY THIS ONE ITEM NONSTOP SO WE CAN RAISE THE PRICE@!2@"
@BJN They should leave all of the monsters there. Because they're supposed to be hard to kill, and hard and risky to get to/do! Minigames? Probably some random spot, there's plenty of other places in Runescape to put them.