In my opinion, it really all depends how they put back free trade and the wilderness back. I would love to help my friends out when they need some money/item or go back pking in the wilderness like old times. They should keep how things are now and add worlds(or change the some worlds we have now)to put back free trade/wild back in some worlds.
They should add something to help the player know their being scammed. For example, when you open the trade thing and it shows the price of the item, like we have now, they should use that in free trade. If the person is trying to scam you, you can see in BIG RED LETTERS that the item or money isn't the same it should give a player a chance, before they click accept, to know how much they are going to trade. A big pop-up should show up and say the amount they are about to trade and ask if they are sure, something like this.
On the other hand, the wilderness should be the same how it was before, getting your oppenents stuff they had on and the level system.
As much as i loved the old RS, i dont want nothing to be removed like Lending/Borrowing items, PvP/BH worlds, and definitely not the GRAND EXCHANGE.
Like i said before, if your going to bring back these 2 things, dont replace the worlds we have now like PvP or BH, either add new worlds or change the worlds that have their "location/Activity" saying the country's name.
If anyone has any comments/questions for me...just send me a reply or message me in the game.I will still be thinking about to whether or not to vote.
22-Dec-2010 07:24:29