the sad thing in this forums, they never thought that jagex won't came up the idea to bring back the old wildy and free trade if they don't have solid security. just think of it.. on the free trade jagex made already justifications when you remove item there will be exclamation point. you are really pathetic if you don't see it when you trade.
another thing on the old wildy.. jagex made signs/pop ups that it is dangerous there so don't bring most of your valuable items.
YOU ARE REALLY IDIOT/MORON/STUPID if you never see those when you try to enter on a PK world.
and most of the forum users who boycotts bringing old wildy and free trade are the people who never experienced the fun back at 07. let's say you were already there, I guess I can tell you that you were one of the idiots who got lured and got scammed that's why you are part of the people who are now boycotting the bringing back of the wildy, and other things!
Perhaps whilst they're at it they could remove renevants... Oh and those god awful co-ordinates clues. You know what... Why don't they just make the monsters drop the final treasure instead of the scroll!
Things should not be so easily handed out. Clue scrolls in the wilderness are there because you take a risk to chance getting a greater reward.
The simple way to defeat wilderness clues is prayer and a dragon dagger. Take very little and you'll lose very little...
But I really don't, the people i'm arguing with do, it's hard to prove points when you have to explain every one of them to people who can't read well...
btw how can i fail on runescape when that's all it is nowadays?
face still red?
Pk clans will own wildy.
They will patrol around clue scroll spots, waiting for targets.
Change wildy back on some worlds, not all. This would make all players happy.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein