Kolgan, the vote is fixed. The majority of voters, 74.3 repeating percent to be exact, aren't ranked on the hiscores, which leads to the idea of players voting on their multiple accounts or bots make accounts just to vote. There is no way that the ratio can be so ridiculiously off balanced with their opinion even mattering besides them just saying "I haven't tried it, sounds fun" which is ridiculious because they are unaware of the millions of demons they just choose to add by hitting yes. Besides, out of the millions of players, only 900k have voted, so the opinion isn't even a majority of Runescape anyhow. Honestly, if you only count players who have played prior to '07 and continued to play after the update, the vote is like 50/50 really, with only like 67k votes, which is really funny.
03-Jan-2011 16:02:00