Another thing about this whole issue; I have been playing since 2004. I have to say, botters were never such a problem, that the fundamentals of the game, themselves, would be disrupted.
I completely agree with Renandre**** had so many players, each month; it was great. But now, I see more botters than I did back before the "fix." And what was worst about the "fix," is that we players, weren't asked our opinions about this change.
We never got a poll, and we never got any word. The only people who would've known about this were forum regulars, the complainers, and that would've been, maybe, 2% of the millions that did play.
I can't wait for the old RS to be back. It was fun; my friend and I spent most of our time playing this game. But then this whole "botter fix" changed everything.
Thanks Jagex. Both sarcastically, and sincerely. You guys almost ruined Runescape, but 4 years later, you're finally making amends. Welcome to the new decade.
08-Jan-2011 19:50:08