
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Jul Member 2008


Posts: 191 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was thinking about it and decided that the Rev(s), really need to stay. They make the wilderness dangerous to everybody P'ker and normal player alike. So they really need to stay.
Then I started thinking what if Jagex were to introduce a series of weapons and armor totally, to living things, (aka-players and normal monsters),but absolutely over-the-top devastating to Rev(s)?
These items would have to have some special rules like:
1)cannot be acquired through drops (in the wild poss. elsewhere thorough)
2)cannot be traded
3)cannot wear normal items while wearing or carrying any of thees.
New rule for P'kers
"Even though you can (with ease),don't kill the only player that can save you from that rev of which is stalking you!!!!!"
This is actually would form a new triangle of which the core of the game is based around.
What do you think?
Feed back!

07-Jan-2011 14:21:41 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2011 14:21:52 by Solastic



Posts: 1,141 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Solastic said:
"I was thinking about it and decided that the Rev(s), really need to stay. They make the wilderness dangerous to everybody P'ker and normal player alike. So they really need to stay."
- - - -
I beleive its terrible idea as it would ruin the nature of pking.
The point of the wilderness is not so people have thing to fears, but to earn wealth through pking. The wilderness is dangerous to pkers.
Also, pkers make up the largest population of the wilderness. It needs to go back to its initial state, free from banks, revs, EPers and all. Thats the way it was most enjoyed.
Revs are more annoying than anything, why? Because they would attack pkers? No. Its because they dont drop anything worth taking up.
I wouldnt want to have my pk inventory set up, then have to fight a rev, using my supplies just to get a couple coins. Its a complete waste of time and money.
Keep revs OUT of the wilderness.

07-Jan-2011 14:28:26 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2011 14:32:27 by JohneySteel



Posts: 1,141 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Vincent Vega

Thanks, and true.
Some people complain pkers are so greedy while they have the entire world of runescape (minus the wilderness) to skill, do clue scrolls, quests, minigames, ect.
Whats wrong with the wilderness going back to how it was where it was fun for the obvious majority players of the game?
How many accounts do you have dedicated to one aspect of the game? Im sure most players dont make multiply accounts to woodcut, fish or mine. Not even to play minigames like fist of guthix, pest controll, soul wars, ect...
-People make multiple accounts to Pk
-Spend hours getting 99 attack, strenght, defence, range, mage to pk
-People pay for membership on multiple accounts to pk
-ammo, runes, food, armour, and pots are sold to people who pk
Pking is, i would say, the biggest event of the game and its sectioned off in the wilderness. If the wilderness is too much for some people, simply stay out of it and go do one of the other 100 things the game has to offer.

07-Jan-2011 14:46:54 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2011 14:47:37 by JohneySteel

Jul Member 2008


Posts: 191 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Missing the point.
Rev Hunters,properly equipped can kill a rev. as fast and efficient as you can kill a rat in lumbridge, but by carrying the necessary specific equipment they become weak to everything else in the wild. (a lv 13 rat could kill them for example)
this is to encourage balance and team work.
Protect those that can protect you.

07-Jan-2011 14:47:58



Posts: 28 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Jagex. First the vote totals are flawed by the fact that you did not provide an up or down vote in the beginning when most of the votes were cast. At a bare minimum we should vote again before you use the votes as a basis for bringing the wild back.
That said, if you want to know how many want this verses how many do not, simply look at your pk servers verses the non pk servers***** servers are always, without exception, the lowest populated. At any given time you will see 5 times the people on the non pk servers. Its so simple, the vast majority do not wish to pk, so why in the world would you bring this back.
As for me, I don't pk...ever. I worked too hard for what I have to risk any of it over something stupid or unlucky. If you implement the old wildy, I will avoid going there. If I have to go there, and I lose even one item due to pk, that will most likely be the last day I play the game.
If you must do this, do it on a limited server basis, like pvp is now. Then watch and track how many people actually go to these servers for the purpose of wild pk'ing.
As for free trade, I wouldn't mind seeing the trade limits removed, but please leave the G.E. in place. I will not go stand around spamming every 2 seconds along with 500 other people also spamming every 2 seconds trying to buy or sell an items I have or need. Its impossible to even find the person that has what you need. That is a complete exercise in frustration. Again, if the G.E. is removed, I will most likely move on to something else.

07-Jan-2011 14:49:33



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Listen Panthers6996
Pk worlds have low population because they have killed the pk on runescape now if you have played runescape from the beginning you would know the old pk system were it wos just the wildy was always so full and the best place to be because it so fun so get your facts right before you start sayin there low population thats BECAUSE JAGEX KILLED THE PK SYSTEM so they need to bring it back ASAP

07-Jan-2011 15:00:51

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