I've been playing runescape on and off since the first 2d days and ever since they took out the wildy and free trade it never felt the same. No matter how many new minigames, or new skills I hated all of them, I want to feel the old thrills I used to feel. I don't want summoning, or dungeoneering, I just want it the way it was. If people cheat oh well, people find new ways to scam all the time no matter what rules are enforced.
I miss being able to actually just give people things (more then 40k worth), I used to lend out all my expensive items to friends and even just buying random things for low players.
I miss teleblocking people, then chasing them as they try to run alllllllllllll the way back to edgeville.
I miss old runescape, all you new players if you think this runescape is "Good" it has nothing on what it once was.
30-Dec-2010 22:37:32