in my own opinions i would love to see old wildy back, as well as free trade. numerous times i was not able to help old friends out because of the trade limit(like maybe they were short 200k for an item, and it raised over night because of merchers).
Also, as far as everyones arguments against the wildy...all you can say is botters, RWT's, and scammers/lurers will be back in business.
First off, if you would check the trade befor you hit accept you would of never got scammed in the firs* place.Second, and execuse me if im wrong, but wasn't there a message that popped up warning you about the wildy? If you got lured it's your own stupidity. As for the bots, it's a whatever at this point. Jagex has come along way since 4years ago when bots were really big. So im more then sure they can catch them now.
also, im sure this voting has gone on long enough. 1.2million votes for yes in the first 24hours?? followed by almost 600k votes..and 90% are for yes. Jagex, when are you going to wake up and give us what we really want?
30-Dec-2010 22:42:42