I am so excited for free trade and wilderness and i dont understand how anyone could be against it. If you got scammed back in the day, you had to be completely and utterly ********...Im sorry if this offends anyone but getting scammed can easily be avoided by using a little something we humans have called a brain.
Conserning the old wildy; IT WAS THE BOMB! I used to have weekly pking trips where me and my friends would go pwn and get awesome loot
I certainly remember "the good old days" of runescape and i miss the fun i used to have. I hadnt played runescape in the past two years, but when I heard about the upcoming changes, I had to come back! Free trade and the old wildy are the ONLY reasons i came back to rs and if it didnt get passed, you can just say good bye to robert b1429 again.
I for one will be looking forward to this
I was introduced to Runescape late September of 2007 I believe. I only managed to get to experience the trade limit and wilderness for a short amount of time (up to level 15.)
I only managed to kill one player in pvp.
Before this major update i managed to make some nice friends that helped me leveling and many other things, such as supplying me with armor. Bringing back the wilderness and free trade would allow old and new players to experience runescape as it has once been.
Free trade limit - have players go through something that will teach them what not to do ect.
Wilderness - you could try to do the same thing above ^^^
We will find out about how this goes shortly.
If things would go bad just add a few new updates to counter it.
Have fun Runescaping
~Tre vo r~
it feels like no one has actually read the thingy on the main page that lists out all of the changes that will be made. people are asking if something will happen when jagex has already said it. read the main page thingy people.
such as people talking about doing a clue scroll in the wildy. they said those are going to be put somewhere else! read the thingy now
30-Dec-2010 22:21:35
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30-Dec-2010 22:24:50
To Kyle and Robert:
Everyone assumes that being scammed would be thier own fault...while this statement is very true, you must remember that a huge population of children play this game and those childrens minds are not quite developed as a mature teen or an adult....these are the people the scammers love to target! So dont go blasting a comment withouth thinking into detail what is behind the scenes!
30-Dec-2010 22:22:20
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30-Dec-2010 22:23:49
Mainac Devil
I think that there still needs to be some aspect of free trade, yet the GE should still have recommended prices, or the average of what the item is being bought at the time... I absolutely hated looking up the prices of various items to see weather or not it was a good deal, so the current mechanics of trading are really helpful.
@Mainac Devil
Dude, are you really serious? i mean its your fault if you get lured into a scam or whatever. In real times is there a trade limit? No. Trade limit is the best part of the game! Wilderness im not to excited for as another Forum-Mod said and i dont care about it. You will get more likely scammed in the luring of the wilderness then by trade. So trade is a major part of the game and probably 60% people left cause of it. Wilderness was a major thing to and i hope they bring it back also but i really could care less about it. TRADE TRADE TRADE! and this will ALWAYS be my OPINION.
Oh Jagex, just do whatever is best for the Economy whether this means not or yes. JUST PLEASE MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.
30-Dec-2010 22:27:24
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30-Dec-2010 22:29:34
Dank Tardis
this is a good idea.bring back the gold times of this game!
I and many others of my friends loved to pk for fun the original way without all these new pking rules on pvp and bh worlds and the free trade is something to help the players and feel the freedom players once had before
the vote is to bring back wildy and free trade! not one or the other and you would get scammed more in trade than wild.how is it a scam if you got lured?its your fault!
remember the vote is for wildy and free trade NOT ONE OR THE OTHER so why are you people debating that free trade is good and wildy back or the other way around?????
30-Dec-2010 22:27:46
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30-Dec-2010 22:29:38
Free Trade could work
Only if they let you have unlimited trade with your Friends!
Friends.... must have been on your friends list say 3 months
Total Friends: say around 5 to 10
This will keep the hackers out of peoples banks!