I played before the change and since. I like the way it is now. Jagex has brought alot of activities to the wild since the change. Fallen stars, penguins, Dungeoneering, chaos tunnels, beacon lighting, quests, Corp, not to mention clues and the other old stuff. This is not a simple change anymore. I started playing Runescape when my son asked me to help him. I soon got my own account. I saw too many scams, people luring and bots then, among other things. He has since gone on to X-box and other things and no longer plays. Was the old way really good, not really except for a few. The one thing I would like to see is trade limits increased, so you can help a friend or a new player. If a few people want the old wild, give them a few worlds, don't make the rest of the players suffer from others romantic nostalgia.
22-Dec-2010 01:47:11