I know prices dropped. Rune essence was always between 15-35gp each, even with botters and before botters. After Jagex tried to stop essence botters with pure essence prices jumped so high that it was almost worthless to double nats.
Botters picked flax and it sold for nothing, but it made fletching easier.
Botters ruined mind, earth, fire, water, and death prices, but you know what? It made going to dag kings easier.
Botters fished sharks like it was no ones business, but shark prices stayed at 900-1k forever.
Botters ruined a lot of nooby ways to make money. Most truly wealthy players had money because they skilled in actual skills, such as herblore, runecrafting, slayer, etc. I just think bots never affected my life at all and most pkers and true skillers i knew couldnt give a jack about them.
03-Jan-2011 07:50:27