Just my opinion on this matter
I have been a player since early 2005 I have also seen the GE & wildy update come.
Gaming before the update was a fun game to play, I got ripped off multiple times while trading items,killed & robbed in wildy countless times & my heart was racing every time.
I had mixed emotions all the time while playing the old runescape, from happiness,fits of laughter,sadness & also at times anger.whitch made for great game play. Since the update I have very rarely experienced these kinds of emotions and feelings from the new updated runescape. When the update was released, I started to loose interest in the game, then stopped my membership because I found I was playing runescape less & less.
Lets face it in real life we get ripped off on a daily basis,every time someone buys a car off a car salesman,or someone goes down to the local store to buy something,we all know that they are selling there items at marked up prices to make money! they wouldn’t be doing it if they weren’t. Just like free trade on runescape if you want that item bad enough, you will pay the price that someone is asking for it & vice verse if you want to get rid of an item fast you will sell it for ½ what its worth if nobody wants it.
Runescape is just a game people! If someone rips you off 200k,why have a hissy fit,jump up & down about it,then report them?i never understood that. But If a revnant kills you in the wildy and you loose 1mill in items does that make it OK because its not a real life player?get over it!
People, Jagex is a company out to make a profit,& just like every other company in the world, they have to hire staff,pay bills & make decisions to make that profit.
If Jagex brings back free trade & the old wild,I will be paying my membership fees every month again & get back to enjoying the old runescape that I have missed.
28-Dec-2010 08:55:46