I don't know... Doesn't this seem a tad unfair and, well, biased? There is only one way to vote. If you vote, it means you want the old Wilderness AND free trade back. It's a package deal, really. And if you don't want either of those, you just do nothing.
And while you sit there, saying to yourself, "No, I'm not voting. I don't want it back!" there are other people, strangers who you don't even know but who happened to see you and pick up your username, who enter your name in that box and click, "Vote now!". I don't know about you, but I happened to notice that you don't even have to log in or enter a pass. Doesn’t that seem corrupt and unverified?
And while getting the old Wilderness back (not to mention free trade) might seem great–I’ll admit, I was one of the ones who missed them both when they were first gone–you aren’t really given all the information or time to think about it. What if you want to get to the Wilderness Agility Course or Stealing Creation? What if that Clue Scroll that could give you a ton of money ends you up in the Wilderness? In that case, how are you going to feel when, the moment you jump over the wall, someone comes along and ends you. The chances of that happening are far more likely than a revenant doing the same.
“But I like the danger and suspense of the old Wildy!” you say. That’s why Jagex came up with PvP and Bounty worlds, right? If you really want the old Wilderness back, just go on those. I have to ask, what would happen to these worlds? Would there be any “safe” worlds where one can go without fear of player killers and the Wilderness would be much the same as it is now?
And sure, I still miss free trade. So why can’t we have the option to vote for just one of the options and not the other, if we so wish? And why, if we really don’t want any changes, can’t we vote for nothing, instead of sitting and saying, “I will not vote.”?
22-Dec-2010 18:11:06