Shows what you know about pking. Say you kill someone wearing full veracs. You get only a veracs brassy and skirt. But what about the helm, flail? You dont get those items in your "earn potential" drops many times i've had this happen to me. Even on targets too.
Croum, only 800k players have voted, not 8m. Pkers aren't the only ones votting any how, lots of bot made accounts are too! 74% of the votes are inexperienced or multiple accounts.
For me, PKing and BHing was always about the thrill and fun of it, never really profit. If you want cash, skill. Go get 70 Agility and gather up scales for 700k an hour. If you want cash there are plenty of ways to get tons.
theres no bot system that has 74% of the yes votes, the few months ive played runescape during 2007-2010, there wasnt a single person that i know that would vote no on this poll. conspiracy's are fun but... like they're true... funny ;P
Never really for profit? Hah you're a joke kid Skilling is boring its the same thing everytime way to repetitive for someone like me. 700k/h? Before BH I was making up to 3m+/h. As for making money with agility I haven't seen a way.
Hero, explain why 4/15 of the voters aren't ranked? In ANY skill. It's pointed to multiple accounts, one person, or botters. Besides, only 900k people have voted, where's the rest of the community?
i just joined runescape in 2008 so i really don't have any clue how it was back then when free trade and pking in wilderness was on.
but yes,it DOES sound very very interesting,fun and risky.
I'll suggest though that jagex could apply these changes on 3 certain worlds, for lets say, a week or a month,and then if its alright,apply it on all the worlds, and if it is a mistake,then we can always revert back ,right?