Don't get me wrong, I would honestly love to see the Wilderness back to it's former glory, but as is, just throwing in old wilderness and free trade presents way too many problems which is why I voted no. But, really, Bounty Hunter is PKing... It's just not the risk of the wilderness which was a lot of fun. Unfortunately Jagex is doing all it can to keep the game fun, but fair and balanced for it's players.
i LOVED free trade and wildy. They were my favorite part about rs. I havent played runescape scince 2007 but ever since i hear about this i cant wait and ive already been trying to make lots of money to merch! nothings better then merching and getting more then just 10k thats pointless. sure people get scammed i remember when i started i scammed a couple of times hard but it only made me think when i get to that level im going to scam peoplle just the same!
It made runescape fun and made keeping money difficult but fun. i truley hope runescape brings free trade and wildy back that would be amazing!
It got my vote!!
I have no idea why people cared about RWT and Botters. How do they affect anyone at all? Only people who cry about not having money hate those cheaters. I never participated in RWT and I was extremely wealthy. If someone wants money they need to SKILL or DUEL or PK; complaining that people RWT does not help anyone make money. Who cares if Chinese sweat shops are putting bots into the game? I would kill wildy bots for free dragon bones and hides. I could buy runes for dag kings for a throw.
I wish people would just man up and stop complaining that they could not do as well in RS because of a few cheaters.
Croum, it's just a repost. Only 4/15 of the voters are ranked. And that also includes new ranked players. At that time of the post, there was only 1 voting option, yes. It was that or boycott, but that has no effect has all it takes is 1 vote to pass it.
BH is nothing like pking. The only thing one could say is BH is kinda like the old school back of the wildy pking with huge clans jumping on solo players.
Edgy Pking was the money pking. One could see players with full barrows and godswords risking it all for millions***** is nothing at all like the old pking.
Even though I hated PJers who would go and try to make people lose fights or not return to their non tradable items, I would live with that forever if pking came back.
Dark, botting has the opposite effect of merching. Instead of skyrocking an items price, it severly lowered it. Remember when willows were 20 gold each? They still are, but that's only a long term effect of RWT bots getting 60 WC to chop yews. Regular logs are more expensive then willows due to the fact that so many bots only needed them for 15 short and easy levels.
Idk bout you guys but im not in this forums to get heard by jagex because honestly they wont read it, but i am in it to answer any questions people might have of reasons why this should not be brought back, because there are simple solutions to all the ones ive heard so far. sry for not taking the time to type this grammatically correct but i just dont know anymore, hello
Owning, I have PKed, Bounty Hunting is like PKing as it's all risk. If you PK a guy with barrow, you get barrows. That's why it's like PKing. Free Trade in that sense unless it was removed and I let it slip by me...