Reading all the previous replies(1300 pages...WOW) has made me regret and question my old decision to say yes to the vote.... I say this because I have realized that the community has grown with the game...and even though we think that we want the old wildy and free trade back, I am sure you will think of it in the same way. I mean, most of you only realize the "good" part of the old times of 2007. Do any of you remember being scammed as a newbie, or lured in the wilderness and then be "pwnt" by some guy who thinks he is awesome just because he has killed some guy who he considers a noob? Now, I bet most of you may argue with me as you will say "Oh, but it was so fun..." and other stuff...If you ask me, I think that instead of trying to woo the old crowd, you should improve parts of the game that do not contradict your old decision. Like instead of free trade, you could make the grand exchange more dynamic and instead of the wilderness, you could get out the crap about PVP and BH worlds and instead choose like a quarter of the worlds for the old wildy. Also, you could make the limit to trading like 50k for all instead of making it "free" trade... Now to JAGEX, just imagine the implications of what you have done. Now RW, luring, scamming and botting will done even though it could be prevented, just if you had thought of it before making the vote. Also, Kudos for loosing that 10% crowd which said no to your decision... I am sure that most of them were members because in free worlds, these activites are the best way to make money. I am impressed by this bold decision you have taken but ask this really a way to woo new customers? half of them will probably quit because of being scammed or lured. You may not know it but more that half your crowd is just 12 year olds, who dont know the slightest bit about pking. Ill post more on a separate thread if need be. Last but not least. I posted on a page with two 0s...nice...Written by a person who said no, GPIANISt
05-Jan-2011 16:57:12