Basicly people who voted "NO" really need to stop crying, Wildy is linked as a dangerous place, and if your going out of your way to be there you shoudl expect to die. If you dont want to die then why do you keep going back to it? Is it really that hard?
And if your complainingS about your items well every 1 is in the same boat with price dropping and if your still crying which many of you are, its because you got scammed wanting "FREE ARMOUR TRIMMING" or something really special? yeah nice work idiots.
Jagex will change the wildy and bring it back so theres no point E-ragin about it or complaining , its going to happen.
As for skillers, there are multiple ways to i.e craft nats, if your too lazy to train skills to do these other ways then whos fault is that? and if u die as a result, guess what? ITS YOUR FAULT.
As for clue scrolls.****; well really? they are an extra not needed and if its your only form of money making then please quit runescape.
As to replys to this message, please feel free to reply, but if you dont agree then you BASICLY WRONG and i wont reply.
05-Jan-2011 17:04:14