The revs actually follow u till basically the the doors of varrock which sucks. people cant really do that. u cant escape those dang revs. they run after ya. They pratrol tht wildy and if one sees you well... say bye. cause im sure they may kill ya if ur prayer is like 45? or somethin cause there mage is ballistic.
I don't mind risking the Wildy. But let it be from monsters in the game instead of a pack of giggling 12 year olds. We all play for different reasons and enjoy different aspects of the game.
The point of the wilderness IS to be dangerous, not a happy place where you can gently kill green dragons and do clue scrolls. I did clue scroll in the real wilderness, it's dangerous, of course, because it was meant to be this way. This is the point of the wilderness, what it should be. Not this fail place.
And, killing green dragons is not the only source of money in P2P. There's much more options, really.
YES, I vote YES bring both back. The rules of RuneScape are more detailed now making it harder to scam newbs. New players can read about the RuneScape community and find out the dangers about it. If they get scammed, thats on them for not taking the time to read.
12-Jan-2011 05:07:55
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12-Jan-2011 05:12:07
Then provide servers that have a "non PvP Wildy" and let us go about our buisness. Then both sides are satisfied. That's called compromise.
this is the best idea in the history of rune scape.
look just offer like a free 2-7 days of member ship for sites that give RSgold and items for real money.
any player that dos not want free trade and wild back just deserves to get scamed the way they did. (learn from it trust only your friends and still keep an eye on them)
like it love it the way every one did stop telling jagex what happened to you get bigger stronger and take them out when you see them in the wild.(i got a little black book to put names in)in other words dont be a kid its your fault you got scamed because you were not smart to the ways of rune scape. heck iv been scamed but do i look like i cry about it??? no i preach that you should forgive and forget till i find you in the wild then your MINE!
12-Jan-2011 05:10:10
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12-Jan-2011 05:12:46
I believe that this is a major issue. This is to entail the new vote to bring back the wilderness and free trade. These two objects need to be separated because they are NOT the same thing. I believe that the wilderness was a very good thing and i wouldnt mind it being back, but free trade needs not come back. I find that the only people that want this back are people who want free stuff. That is not right, and you will find that companies selling gold coins will come back and ruin hard earned money. All I am really asking is to separate the poll. I understand the loophole of the wilderness and just dieing to get free trades, I say let them HAVE to use that loophole to do it. It will stop lvl 3 advertisers from giving money to anyone above level 60 at least, and another idea is to keep the reverents there, but in certain worlds, take them out of the wilderness-these being the true pvp worlds.
Again I say free trade is a horrible thing and I wouldnt mind if someone was able to give me one good reason to have it back.. the grand exchange made things so straight foreward and easy to tracck things. Free trade ruins all.
That's right J Biz you tell em. Like i said before Its only worth what someone is willing to pay. If you want it but dont wanna buy it at that price well i guess you dont buy it. and if u wanna risk it well do as so. Dont cry to people just because u gettin scammed. u bout it so i guess u got it. i mean i dunno what else to say. But if u dont wanna buy it at someones price then i guess you dont really need it now do u?
And, bots won't be a problem, jagex is working very nicely to ban players using macros/bots (lol I have tested this myself).
Jagex shouldn't have destroyed the game for some bots and RWT. All games nowadays have this kind of problem. Instead, it should have focused in destroying the bots themselves, not our Wildy and free trade.