You, just like many others who feel the same way (you are entitled to your opinion of course) are just not understanding that you cannot have one without the other. maybe jus* free trade and not the wilderness but if you were to reinstall the wilderness and NOT free trade there are still SO many ways to give things to your friends for nothing.
You cannot have one without the other
Cookie I hope you know you can get into the chaos tunnels in a safe spot, the statue near Varrock where you did the quest. Either way, Jagex said they'll be relocating stuff so please don't whine, if you read their post you'd have known this.
05-Jan-2011 12:03:46
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05-Jan-2011 12:04:36
Myself being a runescape veteran, now playing for 7-8 years, I played runescape when the wildy and free trade were still here, and for me and all my friends it was the best time of our lifes in runescape, I miss going to west varrock bank and falador garden and buying things off people, my other favorite thing to do was camp at the general store, someone once sold a dharok greataxe which was 2 mill and i bought it for 300k in the store what a sweet deal, and drop party's geeze you can get rich instantly I once picked up a dragon chain when they were still 10m+. Imagine if someone dropped a partyhat and you picked it up, im pretty sure you'd be happy Jagex brought back the free trade.
For the wildy, such an easy way to make money I pk now in the new "PvP & BH Worlds" and can say its not nearly as much money as it once was, if the wildy comes back instead of killing someone risking an AGS and getting a 100k loot, you'll get his ags, pretty easy money eh?
For the free trade, you cant go wrong, just because an item has a price doesnt mean you can't get it for cheaper
. When I use to be a noob I remembered thinking that 1m GP was alot of money and thought people with full zammy were rich, anyways I went to lumbridge bank and someone was saying buying vial, she gave me 1m for a vial thats amazing.
For all the new players who havent expierienced runescape in it's glory years and are voting against this, if this does come back you'll see you'll love it.
Dont worry about them removing the G.E. because THERE NOT!
All quest's and activities will be moved out of the wilderness so dont worry.
Jagex, if you do get around to reading this I would just like to say hopefully you bring this back you'd be making so many of us old players happy and bringing alot of players back. Thanks
-A Epic Beast
If the GE prices were still kept for refference that would be nice. Also there should be a vote as to just have free trade or just to have the wildy as there are some of us who don't want both and that would be putting us in a difficult posistion as we have to make a decisision with the current three choices.
haha good times right epic??
the times when even party hats were the same price as full saradomin, and do you remember the fally mayhem, where tis guy after he learned about a bug he called people and made them bring their valuables.. he was able to attack peepz with party hats and he actually looted some of them, i even got attacked at that time MODS were yelling LOGOUT LOGOUT.. good times good times, later on he got banned tho.. and i lost some of my stuff, still i enjoyed those times
for aslong as ive played this game going on 8 and a half years i still do enjoy it. I do beleve jagex made the right choice at the time the rwt'ers but the past is the past jagex needs to come to relize that they will never stop rwt'ers they will always be here. as for botters im sure from wat ive heard people only bot because pking nowdays u make no cash.i can pk maybe 2 time a week because im not rich and i would be once again with free trade.Im not gonna sit here and lie to jagex ive been waiting since 2007 to trade cash over to my other acounts give friends gifts. but anyway i kinda went off topic for a sec jagex all i really wanted to say is the only way u can stop them is if u put in a trade log system you guys should know that. i cant wait to pk like old times. and make cash off it. botters and rwt'ers suck balls.