As much as I personally would love to see free trade reinstated, I think it is utterly ridiculous that we are being forced to either give up our vote on both matters, or vote yes to both, or no to both, when so many player clearly have conflicting opinions of the free trade and the wilderness options.
I, along with many other players, feel that the wilderness should either remain confined to specifically selected worlds, or should not be reinstated beyond its current condition. As a regular user of the chaos tunnels, and someone who enjoys the bork activity, I would be disgusted to see the wilderness reinstated as it would be absolutely ridiculous to have to run through seven levels of wilderness full of PKers in full armour to try and get to the chaos tunnels entrance before being set upon by several PKers.
It's fine for PKers, yes, that much I will concede, although I suspect that a number of them prefer the current PvP world system as it means that instead of having to move to a certain part of the world, they can simply stroll through falador taking other players hard-earned cash and items. However, What about those of us who want to perform activities other than PKing that require us to be in the wilderness?
A separate vote on the two issues is needed to accurately gauge the player response to this issue.
05-Jan-2011 11:51:14