
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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prawn starr

prawn starr

Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
oh i see, i never saw the 8 for against but still its been at 90-7 for the better part of four days now and that's when it's jumped like 100k votes.
i do understand the minimal impact a single vote has but when one hundred thousand people have voted on top, yet it stays the same. is when i get a little puzzled ya know?
Can't wait for this to happen**** glory days here we come!!


05-Jan-2011 11:12:14

Aug Member 2023


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"how many yes votes"
Well it's a referendum (submission of an issue of public importance to the direct vote of the electorate) so there shouldn't be a minimum requirement of "yes" votes, however the fact it is at 90% in favour with 988,000+ having voted, it's looking pretty cosy.
Normally referendums outcomes are put in to practice, so they appear to have every intention of following it through.
It's not implausible that the votes have been varied between those 100k split across each category thus minimising the impact on the percentages.

05-Jan-2011 11:14:05 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2011 11:15:12 by MacGriogair

prawn starr

prawn starr

Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This would be a gross waste of time if Jagex don't follow through with this, as long as it's a majority vote they need to for fear of even more players quitting. It'd be like a kick in the groin if they don't deliver after more than a million people would have voted in favour by the time this vote is over.


But still the chances of that being true would mean that people voting for, against, and "i don't care" would be voting in close to equal numbers. very close fight if it weren't too late already

05-Jan-2011 11:16:44 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2011 11:20:00 by prawn starr

Queen Beach
Oct Member 2006

Queen Beach

Posts: 29 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Quote from Danny B 2005
"you wont die easy in wildy, you have more chance to survive with old wildy and no revs"
Utter rubbish. Ive been playing since 2005 so feel qualified to compare the 2 different wildys. Revs i can deal with. Being pack hunted by pkers on an ego trip is an entirely different matter.
And calling someone a noob because they have a different opinion to you? No respect....
Just a guess but will almost bet you stood on the hill near abyss entrance picking off rcers or waited at lever entrance at least once.
For me GE was the best update ever. Didnt have to waste time standing around selling items. Could get on with having fun. Games are supposed to be fun afterall.

05-Jan-2011 11:23:31

Runes Edge
Aug Member 2007

Runes Edge

Posts: 1,147 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bring it back id say personally i thought it was better knowing anything could happen i know there was a major problem with rulebreakers but thats part of life theres enough warning messages plus if it came back am sure they got new ways of spotting them so there get banned and they might learn there lesson. what am trying to say is the best things were taken away or some players such as staking and pkin items which the other player had and find it unfair to take these things away because player are unable to defend for them self and basically what there doing is sheilding players from anything bad which could happen to them even tho game cheating is still about with all there best efforts players need to learn how to stand on there own two feet and if there against the wildy coming back dont go into it forced into wildy for things such as clue scrolls, lifes tuff get use to it be careful cant always live with people watching out for you - your learn that in real life to. and for those unfortunate players who have become victums of scammers ect learn from it and come back fighting i lost 1.2bil from scammers due to keyloggers because i was silly in the old days but just remember ITS ONLY A GAME :)

05-Jan-2011 11:26:53

prawn starr

prawn starr

Posts: 91 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
pack hunted by pkers =D
whats wrong with killing rcers? I never did due to it being a waste of time with little and mostly no gain. but some people just wanna kill runecrafters. perhaps on an ego trip but i don't know.
the old wilderness was pretty damn sweet because all it was was you, some sharks, and a way to make some sweet money.
And pking is the ultimate way to make money due to it being difficult but rewarding at the same time, much more fun instead of "I've just spent 12 days straight cutting logs. now I'll sell them. now I'll start mining ores." and so on.
It's just not as satisfying as beating down a higher leveled opponent who didn't expect you to have 99 strength. And forcibly removing his prized items. then parading them in front of his newly spawned, armourless, weaponless and itemless body in lumby.

what's that smell?

smells like....... VICTORY!!!


05-Jan-2011 11:32:46



Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Umm considering there is 90% YES WITH 3% MEH..,(Counts for BOTH YES&NO) with a 93% of 989000 votes that makes:
989000* 93/100 = 919770 people who voted yes against 98900 people who voted no, The ratio between YESs and NOs respectively is:
So Out of 11 people only 1 person votes NO.

05-Jan-2011 11:49:22

Sep Member 2016


Posts: 32 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As much as I personally would love to see free trade reinstated, I think it is utterly ridiculous that we are being forced to either give up our vote on both matters, or vote yes to both, or no to both, when so many player clearly have conflicting opinions of the free trade and the wilderness options.
I, along with many other players, feel that the wilderness should either remain confined to specifically selected worlds, or should not be reinstated beyond its current condition. As a regular user of the chaos tunnels, and someone who enjoys the bork activity, I would be disgusted to see the wilderness reinstated as it would be absolutely ridiculous to have to run through seven levels of wilderness full of PKers in full armour to try and get to the chaos tunnels entrance before being set upon by several PKers.
It's fine for PKers, yes, that much I will concede, although I suspect that a number of them prefer the current PvP world system as it means that instead of having to move to a certain part of the world, they can simply stroll through falador taking other players hard-earned cash and items. However, What about those of us who want to perform activities other than PKing that require us to be in the wilderness?
A separate vote on the two issues is needed to accurately gauge the player response to this issue.

05-Jan-2011 11:51:14

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