hello people, i've joined runescape like 7-8 years ago. Back in the days, it was too much fun and exciting! Why...? Because of the old wilderness and free trade limit. I know I know it prevents scamming etc... but at least there were challenges: for example am i going to be attacked by a player whilist doing a clue scroll; am i going to get there safetly? Nowadays, it is so easy to achieve things, accomplish goals because there are no challenges! You can go wherever you want without getting worried of the outcomes. I don't know about you but for my case, i play games because of the obstacles that are in the way. What is there to do if there aren't anything exciting, it's pretty much routine right now, and by the way that is the reason why i have stopped playing since 2008... there aren't anymore challenges!
All in all, it is definilty a "yes" for me and i hope they bring back the wilderness and trading back like in the old days.
Peace out ^^
05-Jan-2011 12:33:07