I believe that having both free-trade and the Wilderness reinstated will ensure both benefits and problems. Most players that support the idea of the renewal of free-trade most likely don't recall the always fluctuating prices of popular items when free-trade existed. ALSO, price-manipulating clans may have their hay-day when they can easily merchant and shape the Runescape market. With the second introduction of free-trade also will come the influx of macroers that seek only to produce money to sell via RWT (real-world trading). Macroers are a problem even now, and shouldn't be disregarded while making this decision. ALSO, scamming was very prevelent among players during the unrestricted trade of the distant past. Yes, not having free-trade can be tedious for 'actual' players that abide by the rules, but its definitely not worth it for the problems that will ensue.
The reinstatement of the Wilderness, however, might have more benefits than that of free-trade. Wilderness was a very notable activity within Runescape and helped define it as an MMORPG. Also, those who choose not to PK can do so. I believe that the Wild should be replaced using its old mechanics and qualities, but maybe only in select worlds; leaving worlds for players who wish to pursue other activities that involve the wilderness. RWT can also be accomplished by use of the Wilderness and its 'full-drops'; I personally don't have a suggestion for this, but I think it is mentionable.
30-Dec-2010 05:10:36