Please, dont bring the wildy back. Please dont bring back free trade. I know that, compared to the million who voted yes, my meager handfull of dollars a month don't mean much but I am seriously considering quitting.
Free trade will only help the bots and noob users with rich friends, or alt-noobs. For the rest of us the prices of things will go drastically out of whack, above and beyond the madness already caused by price fixing Merchant CCs. I already cant afford the things I want. This will only make it worse.
Bringing back Wildy Pking will bring back the bloodlusting newbs who only care about pvp. I thought jagex was starting to do a great job with storylines and lore. I was so happy that the unsavory pvp-addicts had their own servers to roam around on, never impairing my gameplay. I hated the rev's but nothing scares me more than a well-equipped, thinking player... well... well equipped, thinking, coordinated teams are scarier. It will be impossible to complete wildy clues, and I imagine tons will be slain on their way to boss hunts.
In summary...
This is a bad move, Jagex, and I hate you for it. I can only hope you take it back again once you learn how terrible the game will become again.
04-Jan-2011 07:48:18